Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana in a supine position (Pigeon Pose)

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana rejuvenates the lumbar and dorsal regions of the spine. It also increases vitality by stimulating organs such as the thyroid and adrenals. Abdominal organs and pubic region receive more blood. It reduces tightness on the hip sockets, and helps to open the sacrum area.

Steps to practice supine Pigeon Pose:

  • Lay a blanket on your mat to help cushion your body.  Lie down on the blanket placing your feet flat on the floor with your knees bent about 6-8 inches from your buttocks.  Rest your arms at your side.  Take a couple of breaths here before continuing. 
  • Inhale bring your right knee up towards your chest.  
  • Exhale place your right ankle on your left thigh near your left knee.
  • Inhale bring your left knee towards your chest and reach both hands through to clasp your shin just below your knee.  If clasping your shin is not available to you, then clasp the back of your thigh near your knee or use a strap.  Gently pull your left knee towards your chest and feel the stretch in your right hip.  Hold this pose for 5-8 breaths or as long as it is comfortable (Sometimes I like to hold this for up to 3 minutes).
  • Exhale release your clasp and take both feet back to the floor with your arms resting at your sides.  Take a couple of breaths before continuing. 
  • Repeat on the other side. 

This is a favorite pose for many yogis and yoginis to open the hip. Enjoy the release and the contribution to revitalize the adrenals!

Leslie Ottavi

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